
Great Weekend

Despite all our troubles last week, K and I had a wonderful weekend together. Saturday, we didn't have to do anything until 1:30 pm. So we stayed in bed and talked and spent time together. We haven't done that in ages, when we started dating we would stay in bed late on the weekends constantly, but these days it seems we always have other obligations.

I went with K to visit her therapist. The couple of fights we had during the week had disturbed me. K had forgotten them. Between the stress of her job and the break-ins, her short-term memory is non-existent. She had to change her computer password on Friday and didn't write it down. By Sunday, she had forgotten it and will have to call tech support to help her solve the problem. I believe it is one of the last effects from ECT that when her memory shorts out, it is completely gone.

Anyway, we had a good session with her therapist talking through a couple of issues. Then Sunday, K had to go to Philadelphia. She's there on a business trip until tomorrow evening. I had offered to drive her there and thought that getting out of town would be good for us both. We had a wonderful trip. After arriving, we played in that bed for a bit and then headed out to wander around Rittenhouse Square and have dinner. I headed home around 7:30.

The whole weekend was very relaxing and non-stressful. I spent the entire time smiling and laughing. Friday, we dealt with our contractors and it was a busy day. However, Saturday and Sunday gave me an opportunity to rejuvenate. K commented how happy I seemed throughout the entire weekend.

Maybe I beginning to put my fears to rest about K's health and job. I fear even saying that though, as every time I predict something the opposite happens. I'm feeling optimistic and hopeful.


At 8:24 PM, Blogger heatheragarcia said...

Glad to hear about your wonderful weekend. Much needed after a horrible week.
Your dog must be such a character. With that mix I would not approach the house.

I want to thank you for your wonderful words on my journal. They all rang true and I appreciate them. I also want you to know that reading your journal gives me so much hope. Reading you love for K makes me have hope that there are more wonderful people like you out there. I hope I find the love that you and K have one day.

Thank you again,


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