
Still Out Here

Is it pathetic to be sitting on the couch reading other people's blogs on a Saturday evening? K and I are taking it easy. Last night, we hosted a dinner party after work and I didn't get to bed 'till after 2 am. K had the sense to go to bed around 11 pm. Then we had a personal training session this morning at 10 am. I did better than I expected. Fortunately, I didn't have a hangover, though I probably deserved one for mixing Wokka, wine, and Johnny Walker Blue. K had given me the blue for my birthday in January and we bring it out when we have guests. The bottle is going quickly. I think that we need to find another good scotch that is somewhat less expensive. I don't want to be cheap, but $200/ bottle is quite a bit.

K is really getting into the working out. This past week, she's been focused more on walking and trying to keep moving instead of sitting around as much. At today's session, there was already an improvement in her stamina and flexibility. I felt better as well, though I know that I will be hurting tomorrow for it. Now, K's working on figuring out how to fit three 30-minute walks in during the week without killing herself. All this activity does have a bit of a downside. Since she's just getting into it, she missed two days of work last week as a result of exhaustion. I wasn't shocked, but I know that it frustrated her. We also had house guests last weekend and stayed up way too late with them. Yes, there is a theme that when we entertain, we don't stick to our early to bed schedule.

(Side note: Should we have washed the dog food container before putting in the dog food? We are discussing a dog that picks garbage up (occasionally) and eats it and licks her ass. K says that we shouldn't bother and my take is that we ought to at least make the attempt.)

Last night, our guests got a bit rowdy. K pulled out a copy of the butch test, which provides biased judgments on whether you are considered butch or not in the lesbian community. It was entertaining as K was the only lesbian in the room. We had two heterosexual women, one heterosexual man, and myself, bisexual woman. Despite K being the lesbian, one of our guests was pushing hard for points and wanted desperately to be counted as butch. She did better than I did. I believe that I received the "Bumbling Bisexual" category. When I last took the test a few years ago, I was "Alluringly androgynous". However, since that time I have begun to get manicures, pedicures, etc, for which you lose points. Despite all the competition, we did have an enjoyable evening. It was abruptly brought to a halt when our guests 3 month old daughter decided it was time to head for home or howl. No indication of the child's sexual preference at this stage.

The good news is that K's bipolar is low key. She's doing well. She's been even more affectionate than usual of late, which is nice. We remain disgustingly in love even after 8+ years of togetherness. Things are good and hopefully they will remain so.

Just for full disclosure, K has been reading over my shoulder as I have typed this entire post.


At 10:52 PM, Blogger heatheragarcia said...

I haven't been by in a while to read but I am glad everything is going so well. The night sounded wonderful. The baby and the test part was funny.

8+ years congrats


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