
K pumping iron (no pink weights)

A week ago, K suggested that we should return to the personal trainer that I was seeing a couple of years ago. K didn't go with me at that time, but K has finally decided that she wants to take control of her physical condition and begin improving her physical condition. Today was our first session working out. She was thrilled that she was able to do anything. The trainer is extremely encouraging and willing to take it slow with K. Unfortunately, he doesn't feel that way about me. I'm exhausted, as K basks in her happy glow.

I think that K's greatest triumph with the exercise routine is that she can use real weights. About 2 years ago, I purchased some weights for her to use at home. To her mortification, the 2 lb weights are bright pink. Today, she was able to use 3 lb weights that were black and stainless. They looked exactly like the weights I was using. She was thrilled. Actually, she did great. I think this was a wonderful idea on her part. I'm happy to return to the trainer to improve my condition and K will benefit as well.


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