
No more sledgehammer in the skull

I'm feeling better today and able to at least look the world in the face. The base of my skull no longer feels as if someone has taken a sledgehammer to it. Bending over remains uncomfortable due to the pressure in my sinuses, but even that's better. Of course, this attitude adjustment could be due to 1000 mg. of acetaminophen and sinus medication.

All of this said, K nagged me into making an appointment with the doctor, so I'm headed out of the office at 1 pm to go visit the doctor. I'm just hoping for no antibiotics. I think K's concerned that this could be a side effect of the acid in the house, but she's coming along and will be able to quiz the doctor in person. Afterwards we get to go to the permanent farmer's market and purchase food for dinner.

The world is starting to look like a good place once again. Oh, and K has to take me to purchase my bribe for filling out her work forms for her last week. Or facilitating her completion of the work forms. I spotted a nice lime green bag in a shop down the street.


At 9:24 PM, Blogger Portia Micello said...

You have my sympathy. There's horrible pain associated with the sinuses when they become irritated or infected. I hope that the irritation from the chemicals is only to your sinuses and does not go down into your lungs. Good you are going to the doctor. Let us know what he says. Will be thinking positive thoughts for you. Regards.


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