
Stress Continued

I haven't been writing recently for a couple of reasons. First, the pace of my job has increased making it more difficult for me to have any free time in the office to thing. As a result, I feel brain dead by the time I return home at night and I am less likely to want to even look at another computer.

Second, the contractors have been using acid to remove lead paint from the bricks in our basement. Slowly the acid is having an effect on us and on all metal objects in our home. For example, I noticed this morning that the dog's water bowl is slowly corroding from the fumes. They have another day or so to use the acid in the basement and then the clean-up process begins. But there is a great chance that the contractors will have to replace thousands of dollars of electrical work in the basement and we're hoping that our new boiler will not have to be replaced a second time, as a result of their carelessness with the acid. The contractors, despite multitudes of promises, did not properly ventiilate the space allowing the acid fumes to cause corrosion. Urgh, doesn't quite cover it.

The third stressor remains K's job situation. We spoke with the attorney and until K actually loses her job or is demoted there is nothing that they can do. The good news is that the attorney said that the process, chaotic though it is, is proceeding at a relatively normal pace. We're still hopeful that K will retain her position. She continues to handle all of the stress quite well, but it is hard with the house also being torn up at the same time.

K and I were talking this afternoon. I decided that I am going to sign up for a weekly yoga class and get my ass out of the house. I was making it to the gym and will probably go this afternoon, because I can feel tension radiating from every pore in my body, but I have been bad about going over the past two weeks. I need to do something for my mental health and I know that working out is my best stress reliever. A few years ago, I never would have believed it, but I've changed my mind since then.

The end result is that despite the stress beating us down, we're handling it well. K hides by watching movies and I'm working on my own stress relief plan with the yoga and gym. We'll make it through.


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