
Hormones & Irritability

K took me away for a surprise birthday weekend over the past few days. It was great getting away, but I kept combating a low-level (and at times, not so low-level) irritability. I wasn't able to place it and determine the source, but it was an all too familiar feeling of late.

I've written about struggling a bit with my menstrual cycle, ever since I turned 30. K's reaction to it has also made the cycles more challenging. In response, I went onto Seasonale, a birth-control pill, which reduces your period to 4 a year. I've been on it about 3 weeks and during that time, my irritability has increased. The irritability may be only that it's January, it may be that it is the pill, or it may be a general blah mood.

On Saturday evening, K and I received a surprise, when she started her period (or extremely heavy spotting) for the first time in over 14 months. Admittedly she is young (42) for menopause, but there wasn't any other reasonable explanation. She's even been on the estrogen patch (after begging her doctor for months) to alleviate some of the depression associated with menopause.

Result: Our hormones are off in some strange way. I hope that's all that's causing my irritation. A biological explanation is better than any other. K's not too happy with her situation and she's confusion. Also, in pain, as the lithium prevents her from taking any advil or ibuprofen for cramping, and Tylonel does very little for the muscle aches.

My other gripe is work, as I've been spending my day juggling three complex projects and waiting for one of the eggs to crash on my head. It will fall on me first, since I'm responsible for the completion of all three. Urgh!


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