

I know that I've been quiet recently. K and I were away for the past week. She had a class and I tagged along to NYC to get free hotel and get to know the city. Lots of fun, but I froze to death.

Any case, I wanted to draw people's attention to an article from the Washington Post that was in the Magazine over the weekend. It details the writer's manic episode and crash.

In some ways, the confusion and the fear hit home from watching K. But in other ways, the writer's experience was very different. She continued to function throughout her crash, unlike K, who hid in bed.

The other aspect of the article was that despite excellent descriptive language that was used, can anyone really understand the spiral and confusion, if they have not lived through it or witnessed it?

The other day, K found a diary that she had kept through her illness. The words rage and fear were repeated over and over again. But I don't think K adequately described the illness for someone to understand without the first-hand knowledge.

I'll try to be better about writing.


At 5:32 PM, Blogger broke said...

I wonder whether words are inadequate, period. I look at diaries I wrote when ill, and it's even a struggle for me to understand it. Or maybe it's that it scares me to go back there and I resist understanding.
take care,


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